Customer Testimonials
Thousands of happy customers

At 25karats, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We want to provide you with the best service possible. Would you consider posting a review of us online? In addition to providing feedback, online reviews can help other customers learn about who we are and about the products we offer. They are also a great way to give referrals to your family & friends. Please take a minute to leave a comment for us at here on, we would really appreciate it.


"I absolutely LOVE it! ..."

  January 24, 2023

My ring came today. I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you so much. I've been looking for a wedding band for nearly a year.

"I’m fully satisfied with quality of job..."

  January 02, 2023

Recently I have received my last order and now I want to thank your company for irreproachable job and you personally for your kind assistance. The ring which I’ve received is perfect! It looks much better than L’ r expected. I’m fully satisfied with quality of job and materials. The diamanté is really beautiful! Once again I want to express my loyalty to your company and I can assure you that my next order will be placed with you. Joyous Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Best regards, Serhiy.

"Fine service and product!..."

  December 15, 2022

Thank you for your fine service and product! The two diamond wedding rings - the one being a surprise for my husband - arrived today, and he was very pleased. This is our 2nd major purchase from your business, and we continue to be thoroughly pleased with the service, product, and overall customer service.

Thank you for accommodating my request to ship the 2 rings together.

Sue D.

"Beautiful & fits perfectly!..."

  September 27, 2022

I absolutely love my Bright Lights diamond band. Beautiful & fits perfectly!

Thank you,
Kathy B.

"It is a gorgeous ring! ..."

  August 29, 2022

Thank you for your excellent customer support and for making sure it arrived on our anniversary! We were away on a trip, and my mother signed the delivery. It is a gorgeous ring!

Alina M.

"Service was great, and highly recommended!..."

  July 28, 2022

My husband and I were both amazed by the results of my order. Both rings were perfect-the design was great, the fit was perfect, and the ordering process was really easy. Overall, the service was great, and highly recommended!

"It was done beautifully and meticulously..."

  July 08, 2022

I had ordered my wedding band for(men), it was done beautifully and meticulously. it was delivered on time as promised by the jeweler. Thank you

"Absolutely fabulous experience..."

  July 01, 2022

absolutely fabulous experience from start to finish, employees are awesome, rings are beyond beautiful... I'll definitely purchase again from this company...

"Five stars out of five! ..."

  June 07, 2022

I am absolutely thrilled with my ring! This is a gift for our 50th anniversary in August, so I don’t get to wear it until then. But it is incredibly beautiful. Kudos to the craftsmen/women who made this eye-catching piece of jewelry, and to the customer service people who made the ordering process so easy.

"Very pleased with this purchase..."

  April 26, 2022

Purchased Fine Grooved Fancy Designer Wedding Ring Matching Set as a replacement for old rings. Had old rings and finger sizes measured at local jewelry store to get exact sizes before I placed the order and they fit perfectly. Very pleased with this purchase and customer service as well that followed up on the order to make sure that the order was correct that was placed online before the actual order was placed into production.

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